ICT Integration in My Classroom.


Teaching science using technology

In addition to being everywhere, technology is also becoming more prevalent in schools. Many students have cell phones, and teachers have tablets and computers in their classrooms. Kids are more tech-savvy than their parents, and they are often better at using certain kinds of devices than their teachers. In previous years, teachers have had a hard time dealing with the increasing number of students using technology.

Cell phones, tablets, and mp3 players are making their way into schools, which can keep students from focusing on lessons. After several years of trying to ban these types of devices, educators have started to rethink their approach to technology in the classroom. They have developed a variety of strategies to integrate it into the learning process.

There are many ways that teachers can use technology to enhance the learning process in their classrooms, such as in the science classroom. Integrating technology can help keep students engaged and motivated, as well as provide them with the opportunity to take tests.

Students nowadays gets excited to watch videos during sessions. When students are more excited about a platform from which they are learning, they are more likely to be engaged in learning. Some videos are interactive, giving options to pause to ask questions or record responses or journal their ideas about a particular concept. Having access to computers in my classroom, I could allow my students to explore a science-based websites with educational videos and other resources.

Students have access to interactive lesson games that enhances their understanding of the lesson that we have been teaching. The games are entertaining, fun and helps see where they are in grasping the particular concept. We can allow students to work individually on lesson games that are provided in our curriculum. Room
cess, Jeopardy, bingo and other interactive science games can be played using technology to make the lesson more interactive, fun and reusable.


Applications keeps the students focused and on task without much effort from teacher. Some applications can track noise and can view what students are doing. Some can show notification or timers which reminds teachers of their undone tasks. With the help of these applications teachers flow of lesson will be smooth and with very less disturbance.


It helps teachers in collecting student responses during class but it can be challenging at times. Some students don’t want to respond because they don’t know the correct answer or because the are afraid of looking silly, while others are too quiet or not interested to speak up. Using technology based servers or applications requires all students to respond and we can easily keep track of students who has responded and who hasn’t. Applications such as google forms allow us to create questions and share it as quiz.


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